Company Information

Who We AreRATS helps People Startup Something

Residential Art and Technology is a membership-based startup community specializing in research, development, and coworking based on five cornerstone criteria - mindset, commitment, workflow, confidence, and economics - necessary for business success.

As of 2016, RATS is composed of 42 artists and 30 non-artists businesses. Members collaborate, coshare, and cosponsor to institute inventive ways to plan and work together more efficiently and profitably. Together! We are Working!

RATS specializes in working with disadvantaged Startups, those with challenges that exceed the normal and impose formidable barriers. No challenge is too big to apply our supportive and innovative products and services.

Our HistoryArtists and Creators are Businesses

  • Residential Technology, Inc. (RT) helps small businesses with website technology.

  • RT builds websites for business planning, financing, car dealers, and artists.

  • RT begins project called Fusion Art Dallas to embrace multiple "creatives" and "pop-up" art and vendor events displaying business and artists together.

  • RT begins project called Art Equals Art as a marketing campaign, logistics initiative, and collective voice for amalgamating business Startups and artists into "third spaces", especially inside museums.

  • After over 100 events and campaigns, RT opens Residential Art and Technology Studio Coworking (RATS).

  • technology: RT partners with persons to initiate ecommerce corridors and 'a-plex' style business designs.

Our StaffLeaders and Officers

Curtiss Cathey

Chief Technology Curator of art exhibitions providing audio and visual devices for interactive arts

Renata Cathey

Chief Social Curator of art exhibitions using real relationships to enhance interactive arts

Vincent Woods

E-commerce Leader heading projects to create safe zones for people exchanging goods

April Murphy

Tea and Art Lounge Leader heads projects requiring
food options or scrapbooking workshops

Our StandardsCommunity and Ethics First

  • Democratized Scheduling of Events and Socials

    RATS uses many resources to support events for the lowest prices.

  • Real Relationships with Honesty

    RATS makes every effort to meet expectations based on planning.

  • What We OfferMembership Packages and Pop-up Events

    Our competition cannot beat the amount of features each member receives for as little as $100.00 per month. Some features included for $100 are:

    TestimonialsStraight from the Customer

    Whether dreaming about an idea with no business experience or seeking to startup additional businesses, RATS is an ideal and affordable startup community. Even the lowest-priced packages have great features!

    Brittani Robinson