Residential Technology, Inc. (RT) helps small businesses with website technology.
RT builds websites for business planning, financing, car dealers, and artists.
RT begins project called Fusion Art Dallas to embrace multiple "creatives" and "pop-up" art and vendor events displaying business and artists together.
RT begins project called Art Equals Art as a marketing campaign, logistics initiative, and collective voice for amalgamating business Startups and artists into "third spaces", especially inside museums.
After over 100 events and campaigns, RT opens Residential Art and Technology Studio Coworking (RATS).
technology: RT partners with persons to initiate ecommerce corridors and 'a-plex' style business designs.
RATS stimulates the senses of participants for all ages, cultures, and backgrounds using interactive, visual, and auditory devices and strategies.
RATS uses a novel and diverse plethora of interactive, visual, and auditory devices to reach our members to yield successful supportive initiatives such as:
Democratized Scheduling of Events and Socials
RATS uses many resources to support events for the lowest prices.
Real Relationships with Honesty
RATS makes every effort to meet expectations based on planning.
Our competition cannot beat the amount of features each member receives for as little as $100.00 per month. Some features included for $100 are: